Happy Easter, and What I’ve Been Up To Lately…

Creative Self, Curiosities, Illustration

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I know people say this all the time, that they can’t believe how fast the time goes. Usually parents say it, because children grow so much from one year to the next, even from one month to the next. We just can’t get our minds around it, and without warning, they’ve become ourselves, slightly smaller, smarter, more energetic versions, but they’re us. They mature and grow literally overnight. Then they’re in middle school, driving, college…

So I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that these past two months have absolutely zoomed past me. Every day in February I had planned to post a heart healthy habit or factoid, as February is the month of the Heart. Be kind to it and take care of it, and it will reward you by not giving up or out on you. I think I got as far as day 6, then, I received an assignment. Two days later, another, then another after that. I love assignments! Who doesn’t? Yes, it’s money, but it’s also another challenge to creatively solve, and whether we admit to it or not, being creative is problem solving, and we love it, or we wouldn’t do it.

Then (which is never a good word when it comes after good news)…

I received some bad news. I won’t go into all the specifics and particulars (that would be its own post, to be sure) about Special Education, and if you’re not familiar (lucky you) it may seem confusing and time consuming. It is. Just on its own, it is a major time suck. It’s not enough that you have projects and homework and field trips and lunches and behavior they’ve learned from other kids to deal with when your general ed. child goes to school, with a special needs child, you have an IEP, an individualized education plan. We were told that our district had already made decisions regarding our child’s education (our older son is in 4th grade gen ed. our younger son is in 3rd grade and has high functioning autism). That, is a violation. A school or a district can’t make that decision without the IEP meeting, and the parents are a crucial and legal part of the IEP team. Fortunately, all the parents are connected, and we worked together to prevent some things from happening. However, now we’re constantly going to scrutinize every tiny thing the school or district tries to do. As if our child having a deficit isn’t enough for him to go through, and enough for us, there’s always someone trying to take advantage of the fact he has difficulty telling us what went on that day, and undereducate him (fortunately, he is getting better at it). That’s what’s been happening, he has been held in a program that has kept him from moving forward, and now, we have to spend the next five months catching him up. When you become a parent though, this is what you sign on for, not special needs necessarily, but the unexpected. It can happen at any time (to any child), which is why it’s called the unexpected.

But stay with me here, there’s good news coming!!

This rigmarole put me two months behind work wise. I completed my assignments on time (thank goodness I had them to keep me focused on something else each day) but the other things I do, there just wasn’t enough time in the day to do them. So my education is on hold again, and the work I’d had all set up to do in downtime is on hold, again…But, there is, a silver lining. A good part…

And, here comes the good part:

All of this made us realize we’ve been complacent, and just letting people take over when we should be the ones in control. Also, our older son could see, not only when people aren’t doing what’s right (but what’s right for them), but that we will fight for what is, by getting educated on an issue, being professional and achieving small goals in order to reach the largest one. Instead of spending a lot of time and money in court, we’re spending the time and money on better materials and education than he could get at school. Did we want to be right and financially exhausted, with our 8yo still behind, or did we want to give our son an education he deserves and shape his future, having hope for an amazing life. You have to be your child’s advocate, regardless of the issue, and think about what you want the outcome to actually be. There are some people in education that do the right thing about 50% of the time. We need to be there to call out, fix, and/or make up for that other 50%.


And now another good part!

I’ve been asked to be a guest editor on Coudal.com! Ta da!! Yay!! I’m very excited…Don’t know what that is? You’ve heard of Field Notes, haven’t you? I’ll be contributing at least once a day during the month of April, and I’ll let you know when I do (I start Monday, whoo hoo)!

And still more good parts!!

I’m joining a new print studio out of NY! Yay! Well, they’re not new, but I’m new to them, and they’re new to me. I’m pretty excited about that too. So glad I got my boards done, although I’m really behind and won’t have a lot for them for Surtex or Lic. Expo, but I’m busting my butt.


AND, I just rec’d another assignment, again with the Yay! I haven’t forgotten about the videos I’m doing, I just haven’t had time to get the software and do them. I’ve also been asked again to do the career fair at the middle school. For three years they’ve asked me, and I never have been able to because of prior commitments. I REALLY want to do it this year, we’ll see what I can do…

Lastly, I need to plug something truly great. Last month Gerald Kelley posted on FB or Twitter about Coffitivity. It amplifies your focus by providing ambient background noise. I tried it, the result is the image at the top of this post! What normally would take me days, likely a week to do, took me inside of one day. I can’t explain it, I don’t know why it works, maybe I’m just really receptive to it, but try it. It’s free, right now anyway, for goodness sake!

Thanks for sticking with me on this post! Hope you all have a very happy and creative Easter!

a : )


It’s (Almost) Done!

Creative Self, Curiosities, Illustration

How many times do you hear that? I hear it a lot! I also say it a LOT! But this time it’s true. I’ve been on the fence regarding several things for too long. One is my SCBWI membership. Don’t get me wrong, tremendous organization, and if you can attend any of their (many) events, either locally or nationally, then by all means, join, or renew. I would never talk someone out of that. It’s benefitted me that’s for sure. But right now, I’m not sure that I want to go into the ‘book’ direction. That’s what SCBWI is, for writers and illustrators of children’s books, not all facets of art over all industries. However, I do make art for different applications, and wondering if maybe the money would be better spent on an art organization. I’m still pondering that…

What IS just about done is my website. If you visit here, there you’ll be. No more place holder! This is what my page will look like. Images will scroll left and right, and links at the top and bottom will be fully functional. At the moment, the site isn’t fully functional, only the bottom links will transport you, and that’s okay with me right now! It’s taken me years to get to this point…This should be ready to go by mid to late February. I’ll be adding things to it even when it’s fully functioning, but to have a shoppe, yes, I’m pretty geeked about that!

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That’s it! That’s my big news…Not much else really going on today, oh, except I’m working on some springtime groups : )

If you’re not a mom, you’d be bored by this bit, but if you are a mom, a newer mom, then read this bit too: Don’t procrastinate.

What I mean by that is, don’t procrastinate! If you get the urge to say “I’ll do that later” when it comes to fixit jobs around the house, cute little things to make, a garden in the spring, whatever…just do it already! The time you have right this moment is the most you’ll ever have until the kids are about 11 or 12, when they get amnesia regarding who their parents are. I’m kidding of course, because they’ll remember you have the cash and the car. Until that time, you’ll be doing a bunch of stuff with and for them, and love all of it (well, most of it). Your stuff will wait, and wait…and did I mention wait? Between your paying gigs and their social gigs, school functions, conferences, gymnastics, ballet, swimming, parties (friends, and theirs, and omg have you ever planned a child’s party?), holidays, sickness, homework help, sleepovers, yadda yadda… You don’t have to believe me, and if you have family near you to help, it won’t be as much of a struggle. I’m coming out on the other side of it right now, and catching up, years later!! You don’t have to believe me. But I’m just sayin’, as I’m designing Mom’s day cards…Don’t forget you, Mom… : )

a : )


Brain Feeds…


Everyone knows I LOVE Design Seeds, no, ADORE them…My staff creative career was print and pattern work for apparel for a decade and a half, so I’m used to (even take great pleasure in) working in limited palettes. Every day DS sends me (and a million other people) two to four palettes with photographs those palettes were pulled from. They’re fantastic inspiration, and as most creatives know, when you have limits on your creativity, you’re actually more creative than if someone says “do whatever you want.” Did I mention I love working with limited palattes? Please see my post on the Box of Awesome that I received from 48hourprint.com, also a limited palette… AND a completmentary palette…It’s amazing that I am still coherent with all that color love! Photo: Design Seeds

People also know that I love mash ups…All kinds of mash ups…The Chewie/Han as Pooh/Christopher Robin is my favorite : ) For a while I was even creating some Ryan Gosling birthday mash up memes, for my friends, and I’d post them on their FB walls…As you may have guessed, I have quite a healthy sense of humor… Photo: jezebel.com

Everyone ALSO knows that I LOVE The Walking Dead. I love it…No, I ADORE it…I would freak my mom out every time I brought Fangoria home when I was young, um, young-ER…If she never hears Nightbreed or Hellraiser again it will be too soon. It’s only natural I would gravitate to this fantastic series now that I’m more…um, mature…Season 3 starts Sunday (at 9 here in Chicago) on AMC, and I just can’t contain myself..So, in an effort to sink my teeth into something before the premiere, it wasn’t a stretch at all that I would take two things I really love: color and gore, and do a bit of a mash up…I hope you like them (The last one is a bit gross, maybe NSFW)… ; )  Zombie photos: glittarazzi.com

Happy New Year!!


Wishing you all a very warm and happy New Year filled with family, friends, and much success on any and all of your endeavors! Here’s to accomplishing our goals, large and small. If there’s a positive change you’ve wanted to make, or something you’ve wanted to do, try it, this is your year! Why wait? You’ll never know unless you get out there : )

Drumroll Please….

Books, Curiosities, Illustration

I don’t know how to type a drumroll, so imagine it in your head, then big finish with a cymbal! Tada! The winners are Gina and Eric! Yay!! Let me know if you’d like Fingerprint Fabulous, or Fashion Origami and I’ll get it out most quicklike…You can DM me through Twitter or email me your address…Btw, Friday I rec’d the latest book where my prints appear: Fabulous Flowers! It’s in stores and Amazon now, let me know if you see it! : )

This weekend was productive for me, I hope it was for you too! I emptied the top of my work table: so many magazines to tear apart, sort through and file references! I also added a few more reference bins to my widening array, Lifestyles (for various seasons) and Layout & Backgrounds. The latter came from the Natl Geo that was sitting on our table (and the book I just pre-ordered from Amazon last week). Backgrounds are always a challenge for me, and I think having a ref bin that I can just go to on any day when I want to doodle, and try my hand at differnent environments, would be a great exercise on a regular basis.

I also made a little room for a new acquisition: The Art of Pirates of the Caribbean~Stranger Tides…So excited!! These books have all materialized on this shelf since Christmas…I have a serious problem, and could never own a Kindle or Nook or iPad instead of all these. Of course I could “in addition to…”  ; )